7 Best Investments for Millennials

Group of Business People Working Together in Office

Millennials are gaining a foothold of financial stability. They would be earning from jobs, climbing up the corporate ladder, and just living life to the fullest. If you are a Millennials that are looking for first-time investment, you reached the right page. This article is going to teach you about investments, how to invest properly and what the best investments for Millennials are.

What is an investment?

When you invest your money, you would be spending your money on something with the expectation that you would receive a return for your money at a later time. Good investments would bring money in and you would not have to lift a finger for this to happen. Many people need to have an investment, a “second income” as you will, for their net worth to grow.

Is investing easy?

If you do not know what you are doing, you stand to lose all your money investing in the wrong places. On other occasions, you are taking a risk. For example, if you invest your money in a restaurant until you see that the restaurant is making money, you would be taking a leap of faith as you invest. If you do not conduct a proper feasibility study, you will be taking a gamble with your money. There will be a chance that you are not able to receive anything back from your investment. This is why it is important to know what you are doing when you invest.

The seven best investment ideas for Millennials

We have made a list of the most logical investments that Millennials can invest in, and these investments are designed to be affordable, so you won’t put a dent in your savings just to invest.

Investing in a VUL.

Variable Life Insurance is a type of investment that would offer a death benefit and at the same time would also have an investment side to it.


Investing in stocks would mean that you become part-owner of a certain business or company. For a minimum investment of 5,000 pesos, you can start small then buy more stocks as time progresses.

A small business.

Look into starting a small business doing something you love. Maybe bake cakes and sell them on facebook or become an online seller. There are many small businesses that you can start doing with passion.

Going back to school.

Invest in yourself. Take a second course, or enroll in a class that you have been wanting to. The money you would pay would be earning you a new skill, which you can use to your advantage.

Real estate.

Buy a property. It does not have to be a big house, maybe not right away. Maybe a rent-to-own condominium that can become self-liquidating if you have it rented out. Start small.


You can also start a micro-lending business. This type of business is lucrative because everybody needs money. You can start by lending to a small group of people and then when you can get some gains back, you can lend to more peers.

Forex Trading.

Get into trading. This would require a little training, but like anything, it would get easier as you get the hang of it.

These are only a few ideas that stood out to us. If you are ready to invest, the sky is the limit. The only important thing is that you need to know what you are doing. Investing would be a great tool to grow your money and have a second income. A successful investment would enable you to grow your income with no extra effort.

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