Life Insurance, Investment, Protection

Accidents can happen at any time. We never know when disaster may strike. There is no possible way to predict any of the bad things that can happen.

Sometimes, life can get the better of us; we can meet accidents and emergencies when we are at our lowest point. We cannot predict them, but we can be prepared for them.

How can we make ourselves ready for things that are out of our control?

To ensure that we can outsmart life and the curve-balls it throws our way, we should sign up for a life insurance policy. 

We know what you’re thinking.

This thought might be racing through your mind: “Why should I get life insurance, I don’t plan on dying within the next few years!”

Yes, of course. We know where you’re coming from. We feel you. But then life insurance has so much more to it.

An insurance policy does not only cover costs when the policyholder dies. Maybe in a traditional sense, that is how it used to be. But then insurance policies have come such a long way since then.

Now your next question might be…

What then is an insurance policy and what are the benefits that come with it?

Investment. When you sign up for a policy, you will automatically be investing your money. You will not only be paying for the policy but at the same time, your money will be in good hands. Part of the premium that you would pay would be invested. 

You might be hesitant to invest in a life insurance policy because you might feel safer just keeping the money in the bank. When you compare putting your money into your savings account and investing your money with a life insurance plan, the savings you will accrue would be much higher than the interest your money would have earned if it was stored away in your bank account.

Protection for you and your family. You will be protected from accidents and emergencies if you have an insurance policy. This protection will not only apply to you but to your family as well. Having insurance would protect in case of emergencies and when accidents would happen.

Some types of policies will also include hospital and medical coverage for you and your dependents. You can go ahead and live your life without the worry and stress of wondering how you would handle an emergency when it arises. You needn’t worry because the insurance policy would have your back.

Life insurance. You would also be getting life insurance when you sign up for the policy. No matter what happens, you won’t need to worry about your dependents in case anything were to happen to you. They would be able to receive an amount of money, in case something were to happen to the policyholder.

So why invest in insurance?

In the end, this is all any of us ever crave. We want to have stability and financial freedom. We want to be able to live a worry-free life in this world that has so many demands, so many dangers. All of these goals can be met when you sign up for life insurance. 

Please visit to sign up for one of our policies.

Not yet ready to get the insurance? Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. One of our specialists would be more than happy to discuss what our policies can do to make a difference in your life. We would like to help you win in life. Ask us how today!

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  1. Manila Bankers has been my protection for several years. It is the best life insurance plan and investment I have acquired, not only for myself but also for my family. It is rare to have a trusted life insurance provider in the Philippines, and after knowing of Manila Bankers existence, I know I’m in the right place.       

  2. Better to prepare for your future! You never know what will happen, might as well get an investment with Manila Bankers Life Insurance to ensure your future.

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